Leadership & The Value Of An Inquiring Mind

Remember when you were a kid and asked questions like bullets coming out of a gun?  Why is the sky blue? How come fish can breathe in the ocean? Why does the lady next door always wear that silly hat with the big red feather? Curiosity was something that once came naturally to us, something perhaps, that also came from a thirst for life and a need to explore.

Over time, many of us learned to be more discreet. We learned to mind our own business because it was polite.  And, along with all of that went a great deal of this natural drive to know about things and people.  In fact, as we grew, we came to understand that the world could be a pretty scary place and so we put aside much of our curiosity and sought safety instead.

But an inquiring mind is an invaluable leadership tool.

Often, when combined with courage, it fuels exploration, change, growth, challenge and any number of interesting possibilities.

It prompts us to ask bold questions.  Why do we do things this way instead of that? What does the future hold? How can we make what’s old, new again?  What don’t we know?

Seth Godin, speaks here about curiosity in this short film by Nic Askew.  He is eloquent…and curious


Watching this film, I realize that my own curiosity muscle, while healthy enough, is not as strong as I would like it to be.  And, the older I get the more I know that I don’t know very much at all. I’m going to work on it.  How about you?

What are you curious about?


Filed under Change Management, communication, Learning

4 responses to “Leadership & The Value Of An Inquiring Mind

  1. Great post – I am a big fan of curiousity too – and believe, like you that we all need to strectch and grow this great human characteristic.

  2. Inquiring minds are not just for leaders. Too many corporations prefer conformity of thought to original thinking, and this limits their potential and inhibits growth and innovation.

    Harris Silverman

    • Gwyn Teatro

      You make an excellent point, Harris. Thank you.

      True leadership is not confined to those who have designated titles or pride of position. To be a true leader, it is important to invite and include inquiry from a multitude of perspectives and directions.

      Thanks for coming by and for adding value to the post.

  3. Gwyn Teatro

    Hi Kevin,

    Yes, and perhaps it’s also a matter of growing our capacity for asking questions and decreasing our penchant for thinking we have all the answers.

    Thanks for coming by and for your comment!

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