Tag Archives: command & control

Command, Control and Authority

I think we can agree that there are a number of leadership styles but the one we love to hate is the Command and Control style.

I once had a boss who was the epitome of command and control, a real “my way or the highway” kind of guy.  He was a stickler for punctuality and his need for control was so strong that he posted one of his managers at the elevators each morning armed with a clipboard and orders to write down the names of all those unsuspecting stragglers who deigned to arrive past the expected starting time.

One morning I peered over the shoulder of one of these hapless managers only to see that, having caught someone alighting from the elevator at 9:02 a.m., he had written, “girl with red hair and green sweater”

I asked him how he expected to create anything that the boss would find useful if he didn’t know the names of the people he was there to “catch”.  He said,

“I have no *f*&*%! idea.  I’m just doing what I’m told”

That is a classic consequence of creating and working in a command and control culture.  It assumes that the person in charge is the holder of all wisdom, skill and experience; a person who knows exactly what they are doing at all times and the Mecca to which everyone bows.  And the rest of us simply do as we are told.

Except we don’t.

In fact, while we are doing as we are told, we are also finding ways to quietly sabotage progress.  We waste time grumbling.  We call in sick when we are just too fed up to go in. We arrive on time but then do nothing for the first hour.  We spend time dreaming up other ways to get around the stringent rules set out for us; and somewhere in all of that, productivity, dignity, a sense of accomplishment, and of purpose, are lost.

So no, command and control in a business or organizational environment is not a leadership style that  serves us any more… at least not in large doses.

Having said that there are situations that will call for an authoritative approach to leadership. For example:

  • In times of revolutionary change when the future feels doubtful, this take-charge style is needed, and often appreciated, to help people over the hump of uncertainty.
  • When under tight deadlines or in crises, there often just isn’t time for lengthy debate or consensus building.
  • When the leader has more knowledge around a certain issue and it just makes sense for him or her to make a decision for everyone.
  • When the organization has drifted from its purpose or lost sight of its vision a strong authoritative presence is required to recalibrate organizational focus.

So, in short, while we love to hate command and control, we would be wise to allow that there are times when authoritative leadership is necessary.  The trouble is, if not used well, it can easily morph into something that fails to serve the organization or the greater good.  So, like the delicate balance of a perfect stew, the application of control and authority must be carefully measured and administered to render it both useful and palatable.

What do you think?


Filed under Leadership, Leadership Style, Leadership Values, Organizational Effectiveness

Leadership Style Part II – Command & Control

There are quite a few styles of leadership but the Command and Control style is the one we love to hate so I’m giving it some particular attention.

I once had a boss who was the epitome of the command and control style, a real “my way or the highway” kind of guy.  He was a stickler for punctuality and his need for control was so strong that he posted one of his managers at the elevators each morning armed with a clip board and orders to write down the names of all those unsuspecting stragglers who deigned to arrive past the expected starting time.

One morning I peered over the shoulder of one of these hapless managers only to see that, having caught someone alighting from the elevator at 9:02 a.m., he had written, “girl with red hair and green sweater”

I asked him how he expected to create anything that the boss would find useful if he didn’t know the names of the people he was there to “catch”.  He said,

“I have no *f*&$#$%^ idea.  I’m just doing what I’m told”

That is a classic consequence of creating and working in a command and control culture.  It assumes that the person in charge is the holder of all wisdom, skill and experience; a person who knows exactly what they are doing at all times.  And the rest of us simply do as we are told.

Except we don’t.

While we are doing as we are told, we find ways to quietly sabotage progress.  We waste time grumbling.  We arrive on time but then do nothing for the first hour.  We spend time dreaming up other ways to get around the stringent rules set out for us; and somewhere in all of that, productivity, and certainly dignity, and a sense of accomplishment are lost.  Not a pretty picture.

Then again,  there may be times when an authoritative style of leadership is called for.  In times of revolutionary change when things are doubtful, this take charge style is often appreciated if only to get us over the hump of uncertainty; until we can find our own ground again. In times of upheaval, it is an authoritative leader who will ensure the reformation of a structure within which we can continue to work and contribute.  Sometimes there just isn’t time for lengthy debate or consensus building.  Sometimes we just want someone to make a decision and tell us what to do.

So, while the command and control style of leadership is not de rigueur in most workplaces (and for good reason), perhaps it is unwise to throw the proverbial baby out with the bath water.

What say you?

Something to watch: Here’s a clip of Barack Obama using an authoritative style as he sets the tone for his administration.

Something to think about:  When do you go into command and control mode?  Is it planned or does it come over you? How might you use this style to its best advantage?


Filed under Leadership Style