My Next Beginning…A Reflection on Change

Every now and then I wax poetic.   Don’t worry. I don’t think it’s catching.  But, today is my birthday and so I’m in a self-indulgent mood.

I wrote this poem at a time when I was thinking about the process of change and how it affects me each time I go through it.  I also wrote it with a wish that someone  close to me might see some hope in it for himself.

I think we all experience change in much the same way.  Where we vary is how we are led, or lead ourselves, through it.

Anyway, here it is:

My Next Beginning

“We’ll be together until the end”

We said.

But the end came before the sun had set completely.

And I travelled alone

Through the greys and purples of the night

With only the light of the moon and stars

To guide me…

Sometimes bright enough

Sometimes hazed with the promise of rain

And then

It seemed, quite suddenly

There was new light…a new day

Bright and hopeful

Filled with possibility

I smiled as I reflected on all I had learned

And I turned to greet

My next beginning.

What do you think about when you contemplate change?  Is it a leader’s job to make change easier?  or worthwhile?  both? Something else?


Filed under Change Management, Learning, Uncategorized

4 responses to “My Next Beginning…A Reflection on Change

  1. Dear Lady Gwyn – no thoughts, just tears. Tears of courage, joy, sadness, growth. Life. Your life. My life. Tears of Life. Life tears at us sometimes. And as we tear, we repair & grow into possibilities once unseen.

    So deeply moved by you, your life, your friendship, your words, your tears & my tears together.

  2. Gwyn Teatro

    Dear Anne,

    Thank you for your words… and your friendship. I am enriched by both.

  3. Becky Robinson

    I love your poetry, and I don’t think for a moment that it is self indulgent. I appreciate you posting it here and sharing of yourself in this space.

    I wish you a happy birthday and much hope and happiness in the days ahead.


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