12 responses to “…And I’ll Follow You Anywhere

  1. Wonderful post Gwyn. I would also follow anyone whispering all those points in my ear. They’re all meaningful.

    I’m on a search committee looking for a new executive director of a local non-profit. When we talked about the traits and competencies we wanted, what you wrote was essentially in them. We want her or him to admit to their mistakes but didn’t verbalize to each other that showing your humanity is a powerful point in getting most others to follow you.

    Thanks, Cherry

    • Gwyn Teatro

      Thank you, Cherry, and best wishes on finding your new executive director. And yes, I guess when all is said and done, showing our humanity does indeed have great drawing power.

  2. Hi Gwyn, Beautifully written and I love that you wrote this from the perspective of the follower. This is something anyone could send to their boss. In fact, it occurs to me that this is a recipe for any successful relationship.

    • Gwyn Teatro

      Thank you, Jesse. You have me thinking that when it comes to building relationships, there have been times when I could have done well to follow my own advice! 🙂

  3. Gwyn,
    Great post with great examples.
    I’m a simple man…Just blow in my ear.

    • Gwyn Teatro

      Thank you, Larry. And, for the record, you may appreciate and strive for simplicity but I doubt there is much ‘simple’ about you. 🙂

  4. Gwyn what a beautiful piece of writing, It brought tears to my eyes as soon as I read it.

  5. Pingback: Looking Back…A Year in Review | You’re Not the Boss of Me

  6. Kevin

    WOW !! Thank you !!!

  7. Pingback: Followership « TheHappinessParadigm

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